Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries for Nasal block, Allergies and Sinusitis , nasal polyps and fungal sinusitis

Endoscopic sinus surgery, sometimes called functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), is a minimally invasive procedure to treat problems in the sinuses.

What is endoscopic sinus surgery?

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a procedure to remove blockages and treat other problems in the sinuses using an endoscope — a thin, rigid tube with a camera and a light.

Who may need endoscopic sinus surgery?

Endoscopic sinus surgery can help people who experience nasal congestion, pain, drainage, difficulty breathing, loss of sense of smell (anosmia), or other symptoms due to:

The goals of endoscopic sinus surgery include:

Preparing for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Because general anesthesia will be used, you will be instructed not to eat or drink after midnight before the procedure. Other preparations, which may include:

What happens during endoscopic sinus surgery?

Endoscopic sinus surgery is usually performed as an in patient procedure with the patient under general anesthesia (asleep). During the surgery:

Postoperative Care

For relieving discomfort and keeping your sinuses clear, GET

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Recovery

You may experience the following symptoms after endoscopic sinus surgery:

Consult the Best ENT Doctor In Bangalore, Dr SHALINA RAY, For Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery to aid the healing process. During these visits, the care team will clean your nose and sinuses of fluid and blood left behind after surgery. The cleaning involves some discomfort, so taking pain medication 45 minutes before your visit is best.

What to Avoid After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, there are risks involved with having endoscopic sinus surgery. Complications are rare and may include:

Consult the Best ENT Doctor In Bangalore, Dr SHALINA RAY, For Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Call Now for an Appointment

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